The Ni Glo Gear Marker is a rechargeable, glow-in-the-dark keychain and marker for keys and outdoor gear. Read more..
The Ni Glo Gear Marker is a rechargeable, glow-in-the-dark keychain and marker for keys and outdoor gear. It charges by sunlight or artificial light and glows brightly at first, then fades to a constant glow that can be seen all night. It is IPX8 waterproof, dust-proof, and weatherproof, can be attached to various gear and is small and lightweight.
Find things at night with Ni Glo, a glow-in-the-dark keychain and marker for keys and all kinds of outdoor gear including backpacks, tents and SCUBA tanks. This rechargeable key fob is battery and tritium-free. It charges by sunlight or artificial light and glows brightly at first, then fades to a constant glow that can be seen all night. Use it to find gear at the campsite, signal the next big catch, or mark epic trails and dive sites. Whether it's outside or under water, don’t fumble around when the sun goes down. Use the Ni Glo Gear Marker.
The Ni Glo Gear Marker is a rechargeable, glow-in-the-dark keychain and marker for keys and outdoor ..
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