A great CREE LED light with 1200 lumen and a lifespan of approximately 50.000 hours. Lesen Sie mehr..
A great CREE LED light with 1200 lumen and a lifespan of approximately 50.000 hours. It has four options: On, high, low and off with a light beam of 15°. The battery capacity is indicated by a led light near the push button. If the color of that light is blue, the battery still has a capacity of more than 30%. When the light turns red, it has sunken under that number and it's time for a recharge. The case is made of aluminium with a size of 136mm x 28mm and has a high corrosion resistance against seawater.
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A great CREE LED light with 1200 lumen and a lifespan of approximately 50.000 hours.
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